Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Rebel with a cause

Oh dear! I seem to have become a rebel at Church quite without realising it, let me explain. At the weekend we had a 24 hour prayer event to pray for the Church's general future, new vicar etc etc. We were asked to sign up to attend in one hour intervals and I was asked to lead one of these hours.

Now me being me I thought, well an hour is a long time to sit and pray for one thing so I'll have four fifteen minute session on different topics, I made some power points and was ready.

I decided to go to Church before my hour and join the people in the previous hour, this is when I noticed I'm a bit different - turns out that at prayer events we normally just sit in silence, in rows and pray in silence. I didn't know that. I moved the chairs into a semi-circle had the group praying out loud, had the PowerPoint's and generally had a really good hour of prayer. The people who were there said they'd really enjoyed it.

Next morning the organiser comes up to me and says thanks for doing the slot Hannah, I hear you moved the chairs. Oh dear again. But actually I am gobsmacked, I've been at this Church for over 18months now and didn't know that's what was always done. Well it isn't anymore. Apparently some other people used the chairs I'd set out as well so my rebel ways are spreading already.

Thank goodness is all I can say. Sorry if I'm making my Church sound boring and out dated, I'm quite sure they re not about most things but I was not designed to pray in silence for an hour and I'm not going to.

Now back to editing the Alpha talk for Saturday - my rebel ways continue, it's going to be shorter than the talks normally are!!!

Thursday, 30 October 2008

2 months!!!

Oh dear, it has been far too long since my last post. My excuses will be lame so I won't bother.

Suffice to say my recollections of events of the past two months are not many:
  • my new school is not laid back, is busy, busy and then some more busy.
  • It's a challenge but ultimately I hope a good one (although there have been many dark moments when I have not felt very positive about my move.)
  • I leave for work earlier than I did at my last school which is bizarre as it's only 5 minutes away from the house.
  • I have been to 3 fabulous weddings.
  • I have fantastic friends (lots of whom I saw at the weddings).
  • I'm going to be an auntie next year, which is highly exciting.
  • I discovered last Sunday afternoon, the first free day of half term, that as I had decided to leave so many 'jobs' that needed doing for Church till half term - I had better start quickly!! So in the past week I have prepared an Alpha talk, a quiz for all age service, a talk for the light party tomorrow and an hour slot for the 24 hour prayer event.
  • I go to an excellent Church (filled with grace and imperfect people) - our Mission Action Plan for the coming year is super, forward thinking and achievable, which is a huge blessing.
  • As to is our Parish profile while we look for a new vicar. If you are interested in finding out about this excellent church please look here or here.

I'll try to post more regularly!!

P.S. the Christening I went to was a lot longer than it said online but a very welcoming, friendly Church just a bit too high brow for moi!!

Saturday, 30 August 2008


In the morning We are going to a Christening at St. Anne's-on-sea parish Church. I was emailed a link to the website to get directions which I have just done and was rather intrigued to read this:

Parish Eucharist
The main celebration of the day using contemporary language with hymns, full choir, Sunday School, and creche. Everyone is welcome.Every Sunday at 10:30 AM for 1 hour and 10 minutes.

How can they measure every service that precisely? What if an unforeseen thing arises and they run over to 1 hour and 15 minutes? Do people walk out? Also rather sadly wonder how the Holy Spirit is allowed to have his way if we stick that rigidly to time? Or do we not mention him?

Anyway I shall be timing very closely and will let you know!!

Glasses update

Well they have arrived and I've been trying to be good and wear them and I must admit rather shame facedly that actually things that used to be blurry now no longer are!!!

No photographs whilst wearing them allowed yet, so you can't see them...sorry.

Thursday, 14 August 2008

An appearance altering trauma

Now I am known for having traumas particularly in my university days although I have been much calmer of late. On my 27th birthday I freaked out a little at how close I now am to 30 but today Ihave freaked out once again. I have to have glasses. I don't want to but I kind of could see it coming as I do struggle to read things from a distance at the moment and things often seem a little out of focus.

BUT I am not happy.
Not at all.

(sorry to all you people who already wear glasses but I don't want to!!!)

A big compliment

On the first Sunday in August I spoke at the All Age service at Church about mission and I used five key words that spell out the word 'shine' as the passage I was using from Matthew said that we had to shine like lights. I didn't make it explicitly clear in my talk that the words spelt out shine so imagine my surprise when a member of the congregation came up to me this Sunday and said 'I've been thinking about your talk this week and I realised that your five words: scared, honesty, infuse, normal and exciting spell out the word shine. Was that deliberate?'

What a compliment that a whole week later someone can recite every point from your talk. I felt smug!

Thursday, 7 August 2008

The price of a life

One of my new summer holiday habits is to watch BBC news 24 whilst eating my breakfast and an item I watched this morning has had me thinking all day. There are apparently 4 treatments for advanced kidney cancer that have been not recommended for use in the NHS because they are 'not cost effective' and they don't offer 'value for money.' They cost around £30,000 per year per patient. Read the article here.

Do we have the right to put a price on life? I'm not sure, it's a tricky one and if we do, who makes the decision yes or no? What factors are taken into the equation? How old you are? How clever you are deemed to be? Your chosen job or career? The number of children you have? Where you live?

I believe that we have infinite value because we are made in the image of God and with a plan and a purpose for our lives. But I also sense that all these advancements in technology and science are going to lead to more and more cases where there are no easy answers to the dilemmas of the prospect of prolonging life versus a cash strapped NHS.

Hmm...anyone any thoughts?

The dilemma

Here he is the man I love in two very reflective poses for him while we were away. Both times I caught him unawares and wonder what he's thinking. Every time we go to Northern Ireland , and more so recently, Stephen announces he wants to move back 'home.' And I never have an answer that amkes him happy, we have good jobs and career prospects in England, we ahve a lovely house, go to a fantastic Church and yet some part of him still pines to be home.
He's been in England since 2000 and more so than ever wants to go back.
Will we ever? I don't know. Could I live so far away from my family and friends? I don't know but he does. It's a hard one.

P.S the photos will make a good scrapbook page though sometime!!

The world of Hannah Boyd

Well... no excuses really just not blogged for a long long time so thought I better had!!!
Well since my last post I have a new job - I am moving to work at a school just around the corner as a phase leader in charge of years 2,3 and 4 and going to teach year 4 all of which is surreal, strange and terrifying all at the same time!! The interview was the hardest of my life but feel a real sense of achievement ahving got through it and got the job!

Leaving Stanley was a wrench and in some ways still is, I'd been there the whole of my so far quite short teaching career and loved its laid back ways - the school I'm going to is not laid back by any stretch of the imagination. At the moment I'm having a break between schools and enjoying chilling out.

Spent last week in Northern Ireland took my grandparents and my sister, spent time with Stephen's family and my Grandad's family had a super time (despite being ill and having to visit a doctor while over there) but have come home for a rest!!!

Have had new windows fitted to the house (sad things make me happy!!) tidied and sorted the study and my wardrobe and read some good books. I love the summer holidays!!!

Thursday, 8 May 2008

A month of mayhem

Well maybe not quite but that's my excuse for not blogging for a while!!!

Eventually finished the essay, sent it by recorded delivery and Royal Mail lost it - helpfully!!! much trauma but have been allowed to hand another copy in and as I had proof of posting in time won't loose any marks. Phew.

Went to Bangor, Northern Ireland with MAD PC which my other half is the conductor of to a choral festival. It was their first competition in a long time and I think i was more nervous than them sitting in the audience, they did well and got two merits and everyone had a good time and loved Bangor!

Spent the next two weeks in trauma as Stephen decided he wanted to move home after such a successful visit, then he got knocked back from his police application so was all a bit hairy. But at the moment we are staying, possibly getting the kitchen in our house extended and Stephen is staying in his school and I'm not sure!!!

Spent large amounts of time in the garden which is looking lovely now. Please note before and after pictures.

And now SAT's are fast approaching as are several commitments at Church leading services and parts of so will be kept all round busy busy!

Having my jabs ready to go to Botswana on Monday although we're still not definitely going but fingers crossed in two months will have already been - scary stuff!!

If I do go will miss the wedding of my long time friend Hannah B. Spent last weekend in Edinburgh for her hen weekend, just posting a couple of my favourite photos because I like them!!!
My little sister and me looking more alike than ever!! I love this photo and will make a great Christmas pressie for my mum done in a nice frame.

The bride to be waiting for her dinner!!!

And no, a whole two week holiday and not a single bit of scrap booking done - very disappointed with myself but the desk was covered with all the stuff for my essay and I just never got around to clearing it - oh well half term in 2 and a half weeks, maybe then!!

Thursday, 10 April 2008

Cotton Wool Kids

I am watching this documentary on channel 4 at the moment and find my blood is boiling!!
The general brief is to showcase some very neurotic parents who won't let their children go outside by themselves, walk to school alone at the age of 13 or generally develop independence and life skills.

One parent offered to buy his son a Nintendo wii or an i-phone rather than let him go to a sleepover!! The parents are all happy to encourage their children to spend all day every day playing on computer games, chatting on the Internet etc rather than get fresh air - why can't they take their children out to the park to play with them?? I am very annoyed, I agree that yes the world may not be a totally safe place but keeping children inside locked away is not going to help them to grow into well rounded individuals. Can the parents not see a time when their children will turn against them massively for the way they have been cossetted?

Does also interestingly raise the question about the role of the media in high profiling child abduction cases all the children aged from 3 years up can talk about the Madeline McCann case and how she is missing and the fact that her parents left her alone while they ate dinner. The children also know all about all the stabbings, murders, gang violence etc that happens around them.

Worse still one parent is looking into having her children micro chipped in case they get abducted and she can locate them wherever and whenever they are, just in case they shoudl dare to leave her eyesight or go into a shop without express permission.

Am concerned that if I ever become a parent I will either be the exact opposite of these parents or the exact same as them.

Monday, 7 April 2008

On the edge of a cliff

it's been a while since I graduated from uni so I haven't written an essay since then. Before Christmas I did a subject leaders course at school funded and accredited by Liverpool John Moores Uni. I decided (foolishly) to sign up to write the 4000 word essay and receive 20 credits.

The essay is due in, in three weeks so far no words have been written due to lack of time and motivation but a big part of me wants to do this for me. So now having spent a morning finishing some reading and trying to be analytical and reflective, traits which don't come easily to me I am about to put fingers to keys (pen to paper sounds better somehow). I literally feel like I am on the edge of a cliff and if I jump and actually write the essay i will have achieved something for me...it remains to be seen, will keep you posted.

Wednesday, 5 March 2008


Tesco Online Shopping

Felt I had to blog to share my stupidity with you all! People are always raving about how wonderful online food shopping is, how it saves time, effort blah, blah, blah. So I decided to try it...bad mistake.

First it took me over an hour to place the order (less time than actually going to the shop). Secondly I wasn't home from work when they tried to deliver it so had to ring and rearrange delivery and thirdly (and Stephen will be cross) I seem somehow to have ordered absurd quantities of things like 5 jars of jam, 3 lots of face wash, 7 packets of biscuits and things we don't even eat!!!!!

Is it just me or does this happen to other people too???

Also am very annoyed with my eco head on at how many carrier bags they used to pack everything - why can the packers only fit one thing per carrier bag? Not impressed at the environemntal situation there.

oh well back to walkign round the aisles with my dodgy trolley.

Monday, 3 March 2008

Random blog no 3

Ok so the service hasn't been started yet!!!

Is one of my new favourite things to do as some of you may know. I love capturing the memories and playing about with photos and nice crafty things. I also like to spend a ridiculous amount of money on buying supplies which I should be saving for my new garage but hey ho!!

I have made several scrapbooks now and have decided that I am going to set up a new blog to show case my work to decide if I'm really serious about sharing it with people and I am also going to practice being a better photographer. Stephen's cousins wife Janine inspires me so much she is such an amazing photographer and scrap booker and I have decided to practice taking photos, I may even take a course on it but I'm not totally decided about it yet. I started practicing at my Dad's birthday and I was quite pleased with a couple of my photos. My dad is an excellent photographer so I'm hoping I may have some hidden talent somewhere!

randmo blog no 2

On Saturday my dad was 60. Stephen and I have had a couple of years now of parents having milestone birthdays, buying special presents and attending nice birthday parties!! This one I was worrried about though, I have never been close to my dad and things have been tricky, so when my step mum invited us to a surprise party for him I knew we had to go but I didn't really want to.

However I am pleased to say we had a fantastic time, the party was excellent, food delicious, wine very good according to Stephen and my dad was really pleased we were there. Everyone made us feel so welcome.

One of my step brothers gave a really moving speech about my dad which made me realise a) he is a very special man, b) I don't know him very well and c) I want to change that. Now I just need to find the grace and the courage to act on that decision.

Random Blog no 1

I seem in the past few weeks to have had lots of things I would like to blog about but no time to do so in. Nothing new then!! So I am going to start now!! Yes indeedy even though I should be planning the service for Sunday evening at Church (I may get a few more done over the next few hours!!)

A few weeks ago now I went to the funeral of a wife of a friend of Stephen's because he couldn't get the time off work and I could. It was the most moving thanksgiving service I have ever been to. St Thomas' in Lancaster was packed out with family, friends, congregation of two Churches and loads of other people. The address was moving and the worship unbelieveably heartfelt, it felt like a glimpse of heaven.

I came away emotionally drained not because I knew the person very well but because of all the emotions that were happening. It was also difficult to see so many dear friends from our time at Lancaster Baptist Church who were all so pleased to see me except for the circumstances. I came away moved but knowing I had seen God at work.

Wednesday, 13 February 2008


Even more depressingly I just realised Matthew has already been tagged!!!

Any one want to be my friend????

Book Tagging

Still pondering what to cook for my tea so I have time to respond to Mike's tag.

I have to:
1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five other people.

Ok so currently I am reading Sisters Avenue by Louise Candlish (I am a big fan of trashy novels!!!) Her last book made me cry but this one hasn't so far!!

here goes:

'I don't think I saw any of those movies,' Hannah said. 'But you needn't worry, they've all been good reports. God, I sound like a headmistress, don't I?'

Not sure what that tells you all about me at all?

Also not sure I have 5 people to tag but I will tag


Stephen (he will never reply)



Oh no I really need to make some more cyber friends, I could only find 4 who hadn't already been tagged!!!!

Friday, 8 February 2008

London baby

Last week I went to London with my friend Gemma for a 'course' we ended up getting to spend two days in London travelling first class on the train which I had never done before but will be doing again!! We also got to see Les Miserables half price tickets, 5 rows from the front. We both adore it and had seen it before but I don't think I could ever get tired of seeing it - it made me sing for the rest of the week!! We stayed in a nice hotel near Hyde Park which we had booked really cheaply but was quite trendy and had a nice man with a hat on outside the door to welcome you!!

Then we eventually went to the course at Regents college run by the British Council all about the International School award which we are applying for at Stanley. It was really swanky with inspiring speakers, posh drinks and lunch and loads of time for dinner.

My overall conclusion: I am going to have a new career someday!

Preferably one that involves travelling first class, enjoying the sights and sounds of the world in the middle of the day and not being stuck in a classroom pushing reams of paper round my desk and telling children off.

One day.....

Busy Boydy

This is what I feel like all the time at the moment, there is just too much of everything to do and there doesn't seem to be enough time to do it in and actually I don't like it.

When we left Lancaster over a year ago I decided to not be too busy anymore, to not be over committed and to enjoy life more - hmm.

I am trying to identify reasons why I have suddenly got busy and I think its a combination of my new promotion at work and becoming more involved in things at Church, there has to be a way out but I need to look hard for it, and pray hard.

I have had lots of things in my head to blog about but there doesn't seem to be time to write them down I must try harder, especially when my blog counter tells me that more people are visiting my blog, must give them something worth while to read!!

Friday, 18 January 2008

The return of the dinner hour?

Ever since we went back to school and I started my promotion and since my good friend and lunch eating companion Laura left I have struggled to remember to leave my classroom and walk to the staff room, sit down, eat my lunch, relax and be sociable. Which is sad because I enoy it, my school is a very sociable place and there are always lots of people to talk to and have a laugh with.

Last weekend I thought to myself, this week I will have lunch every day in the staff room....

But things got worse as OFSTED rang at 9am on Monday morning and announced they were coming to inspect on Thursday and Friday - which we have survived, but needless to say lunchtimes disappeared as did tea times and any other time really as I had so much to sort out and get ready. I have spent a stupid amount of time at school this week and an even more stupid amount of time thinking about school and making endless lists of thinsg to do but now it's over.

And I resolve that next week I will leave my classroom for at least 30minutes every day to eat my lunch without getting indigestion!! (Please hold me to it!!!)

Thursday, 10 January 2008


Have not had much time online recently - far too many meetings at school to attend but have found myself reading lots of other blogs of late and has made me think quite deeply something I'm not often good at.

It all started when Dave Walker made a facebook group for Anglican bloggers. Now I would only call myself an Anglican in the very loosest sense of the word but the group lets you post your blog address and I have really enjoyed reading a few peoples blogs. One day will get around to adding some of them to my list.

Reading these blogs has however got my blood pressure raised at all the discussion about liberal versus conservative versus evangelical labelling - it is not good. See here and here.

Jesus didn't give himself labels so why are we giving them to ourselves? I love and follow Jesus is that not enough?

How does having these labels help us to be more releavnt to 21st century Britain?

My thinking is it doesn't.

Does having these discussions and arguements bring people closer to the kingdom of God?


And as for this terrible story about Elaine Storkey suing Wycliffe because of the way she was sacked, well I just can't believe it but you can read it here and see for yourself.

Well I've blogged but I'm not happy, I'm off to see what the Bible has to say about how we deal with other people....

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Still a genius

After a long first day back at work trying to juggle groups and lists and timetables as part of my promotion, which I officially started today my head feels frazzled.

After all that it is a relief to find that my facebook readability level is also at genius - at least I'm consistent!!!

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

I am a genius

Thanks to Mustard Seed Shavings for alerting me to this but apparently the readability of my blog is at genius level - very impressive. You can check yours here.

It says you can also check your facebook level but as mine's not working as usual I'll have to try another day.

Home Sweet Home

Hooray! We're home!! After two weeks of sleeping on a bed settee then an airbed I am very pleased to be home!!! The washing machine is whirring and the suitcase is unpacked.

We spent a very quiet Christmas with Stephen's mum and dad in Bangor which was lovely because someone else did all the cooking, although I did perhaps watch too much rubbish television.

Then we came home briefly (spent time in 3 countries in 24 hours) and then headed off to Edinburgh for Hogmanay.

We stayed with some friends in Dunfermline and travelled in for the evenings and I have to be honest and I know its uncool to say it but I much preferred the torchlight procession and the burning of the viking longboat and the street ceilidh to the new years eve event.

I had never heard of the band who were playing because I am so uncool and then I watched some fireworks but you couldn't see them because the smoke got in the way!! Oh well it was a good trip away, ate lots of lovely food perhaps too much and spent time with friends, made new friends and laughed a lot.

Back to work tomorrow - hmm....