Friday 8 February 2008

Busy Boydy

This is what I feel like all the time at the moment, there is just too much of everything to do and there doesn't seem to be enough time to do it in and actually I don't like it.

When we left Lancaster over a year ago I decided to not be too busy anymore, to not be over committed and to enjoy life more - hmm.

I am trying to identify reasons why I have suddenly got busy and I think its a combination of my new promotion at work and becoming more involved in things at Church, there has to be a way out but I need to look hard for it, and pray hard.

I have had lots of things in my head to blog about but there doesn't seem to be time to write them down I must try harder, especially when my blog counter tells me that more people are visiting my blog, must give them something worth while to read!!

1 comment:

Emma said...

I completely agree! I have no time to blog at all at all at all! But I do have a laptop now so I'm sat at my computer in front of the telly :) don't think it'll help me have time to blog though...