Friday 8 February 2008

London baby

Last week I went to London with my friend Gemma for a 'course' we ended up getting to spend two days in London travelling first class on the train which I had never done before but will be doing again!! We also got to see Les Miserables half price tickets, 5 rows from the front. We both adore it and had seen it before but I don't think I could ever get tired of seeing it - it made me sing for the rest of the week!! We stayed in a nice hotel near Hyde Park which we had booked really cheaply but was quite trendy and had a nice man with a hat on outside the door to welcome you!!

Then we eventually went to the course at Regents college run by the British Council all about the International School award which we are applying for at Stanley. It was really swanky with inspiring speakers, posh drinks and lunch and loads of time for dinner.

My overall conclusion: I am going to have a new career someday!

Preferably one that involves travelling first class, enjoying the sights and sounds of the world in the middle of the day and not being stuck in a classroom pushing reams of paper round my desk and telling children off.

One day.....

1 comment:

Mike Peatman said...

I have tagged you. See my blog for details.