Thursday, 7 August 2008

The world of Hannah Boyd

Well... no excuses really just not blogged for a long long time so thought I better had!!!
Well since my last post I have a new job - I am moving to work at a school just around the corner as a phase leader in charge of years 2,3 and 4 and going to teach year 4 all of which is surreal, strange and terrifying all at the same time!! The interview was the hardest of my life but feel a real sense of achievement ahving got through it and got the job!

Leaving Stanley was a wrench and in some ways still is, I'd been there the whole of my so far quite short teaching career and loved its laid back ways - the school I'm going to is not laid back by any stretch of the imagination. At the moment I'm having a break between schools and enjoying chilling out.

Spent last week in Northern Ireland took my grandparents and my sister, spent time with Stephen's family and my Grandad's family had a super time (despite being ill and having to visit a doctor while over there) but have come home for a rest!!!

Have had new windows fitted to the house (sad things make me happy!!) tidied and sorted the study and my wardrobe and read some good books. I love the summer holidays!!!

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