Wednesday 5 March 2008


Tesco Online Shopping

Felt I had to blog to share my stupidity with you all! People are always raving about how wonderful online food shopping is, how it saves time, effort blah, blah, blah. So I decided to try it...bad mistake.

First it took me over an hour to place the order (less time than actually going to the shop). Secondly I wasn't home from work when they tried to deliver it so had to ring and rearrange delivery and thirdly (and Stephen will be cross) I seem somehow to have ordered absurd quantities of things like 5 jars of jam, 3 lots of face wash, 7 packets of biscuits and things we don't even eat!!!!!

Is it just me or does this happen to other people too???

Also am very annoyed with my eco head on at how many carrier bags they used to pack everything - why can the packers only fit one thing per carrier bag? Not impressed at the environemntal situation there.

oh well back to walkign round the aisles with my dodgy trolley.

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