Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Church at its best

On Sunday morning it was announced that our minister is taking a short break for personal reasons for rest and reflection. This news was met by shock and dismay by the congregation. Having been in a Church where this has happened before and no one seemed to mind, I was overcome by the out pouring of love people showed towards our minister and his family. There were tears and upset but overwhelmingly a sense of calling on God for guidance, wisdom and provision.

Both services were filled with a tangible sense of the presence of God and the evening service in particular was sensitively and thoughfully led giving people time to reflect on God and an amazing time of open prayer happened where people prayed thoughtfully and with thanksgiving for what God has done and what God will do in this difficult and uncertain time.

This to me is Church as it should be with Jesus at the centre, guiding us and leading us. We were united around Him and were called afresh to focus on His word for guidance and comfort. We loved and supported each other and differences were cast aside. I can only pray that it continues and that the next three months will draw us as a community closer to the potter and that we will allow Him to shape and refine us.

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