Friday, 12 October 2007


As previously mentioned I am a small group leader at our Church Alpha course, although terrified by the propsect at the beginning, I am pleased to report that I am loving every minute of the course. Our group is nice and chatty and full of the kind of tough questions that make me think but show me that people are actively seeking God in their lives, it such a huge blessing to share a part of their journey of faith with them and everyweek I get more and more excited about the group members. I am praying earnestly and if you feel so inclined I would love to ask you to do the same, this is kingdom building stuff and its exciting and challenging.

1 comment:

Steve Tilley said...

I think one of the key skills of the Alpha small group leader is not to answer questions. Try and find out what everyone else thinks and feed the sort of questions you are getting asked back to the speakers for them to tackle in future talks.

Hope it continues to go well.