Saturday, 30 August 2008


In the morning We are going to a Christening at St. Anne's-on-sea parish Church. I was emailed a link to the website to get directions which I have just done and was rather intrigued to read this:

Parish Eucharist
The main celebration of the day using contemporary language with hymns, full choir, Sunday School, and creche. Everyone is welcome.Every Sunday at 10:30 AM for 1 hour and 10 minutes.

How can they measure every service that precisely? What if an unforeseen thing arises and they run over to 1 hour and 15 minutes? Do people walk out? Also rather sadly wonder how the Holy Spirit is allowed to have his way if we stick that rigidly to time? Or do we not mention him?

Anyway I shall be timing very closely and will let you know!!


Fr Matthew McMurray said...

I suppose that if God can create the heavens and the earth in 6 'days', then the Holy Spirit can do his thang in 70 minutes.

[And no, I am not really a Creationist.]

Fr Matthew McMurray said...
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Fr Matthew McMurray said...

So did they overrun?