Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Fear of the unknown

Today I did my first assembly at Stanley! Despite having taught there for two years and having been a youthworker in a previous life who did several assemblies a term this was a new and nerve wracking experience!!
Perhaps it was because the head was watching (it was meant to be his assembly but somehow I ended up doing it!!) perhaps it was because the other staff were there, or the two hundred children making me nervous, or that since leaving Lancaster Baptist I haven't done anything 'upfront' in front of lots of people. I don't know. I do know I was doing that pacing up and down thing I do when nervous. But I'm pleased to report it went well, the head said it was very good and he will use my assembly when he presents the Africa project to the junior children on Thursday! So thats a relief. Wonder when the next one will be?!

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