Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Rebel with a cause

Oh dear! I seem to have become a rebel at Church quite without realising it, let me explain. At the weekend we had a 24 hour prayer event to pray for the Church's general future, new vicar etc etc. We were asked to sign up to attend in one hour intervals and I was asked to lead one of these hours.

Now me being me I thought, well an hour is a long time to sit and pray for one thing so I'll have four fifteen minute session on different topics, I made some power points and was ready.

I decided to go to Church before my hour and join the people in the previous hour, this is when I noticed I'm a bit different - turns out that at prayer events we normally just sit in silence, in rows and pray in silence. I didn't know that. I moved the chairs into a semi-circle had the group praying out loud, had the PowerPoint's and generally had a really good hour of prayer. The people who were there said they'd really enjoyed it.

Next morning the organiser comes up to me and says thanks for doing the slot Hannah, I hear you moved the chairs. Oh dear again. But actually I am gobsmacked, I've been at this Church for over 18months now and didn't know that's what was always done. Well it isn't anymore. Apparently some other people used the chairs I'd set out as well so my rebel ways are spreading already.

Thank goodness is all I can say. Sorry if I'm making my Church sound boring and out dated, I'm quite sure they re not about most things but I was not designed to pray in silence for an hour and I'm not going to.

Now back to editing the Alpha talk for Saturday - my rebel ways continue, it's going to be shorter than the talks normally are!!!


Mike Peatman said...

Excellent. Keep moving the chairs, Hannah.

Mike Peatman said...

...and changing the Alpha talks