Monday, 3 December 2007

December so far

Well it's only three days in and already three great things have happened!
  • I spent the weekend with some girl friends from uni. Lots of fun, laughter, honesty and sharing. Can honestly say they are true friends who I could talk to about anything (and have) and they still love me - thank goodness.
  • Led the evening service at Church to rave reviews!!! Is nice to be appreciated and to feel I'm using my gifts for God here in Cleveleys.
  • I got a promotion!!! As of January I will be the phase leader for years 2, 3 and 4 at school and will be in charge of the teachers and children and other random things which I'm sure will become apparent over time, very exciting but also scary.

.....Oh and this evening I have given in and let Stephen put the Christmas tree up already... am ashamed of myself although last year he put it up earlier than the 3rd of December, so some progress has been made.

Notes on November

Oh dear, the whole of November passed without me having any thing or time to blog so thought I would do a catch up summary of what's been happening in the Boyd world.
  • School has been a very stressful place to be with lots of assessment, hassle, paperwork etc
  • Spent a good night out with some friends in Poulton but drank a lot of vodka!
  • Got very annoyed with the Bishop of Blackburn (not to his face) which reminded me why I'm only an Anglican in disguise
  • Made approximately 44 packed lunches for school!!
  • Thought about Christmas shopping but didn't get much further than that
  • Prepared the evening service for last night, the first service I have led since we left Lancaster (it went very well)
  • Bought a new top whilst shopping for an outfit for Stephen (he came home with nothing!!)
  • Enjoyed Alpha!! amazing commitments of faith from the group members and an amazing group session where we all prayed for each other to receive the Holy Spirit: tears, laughter and openess...awesome.
  • Fell asleep every night as soon as my head hit the pillow!!

I wonder what December will hold....?